Single cream homemade - Easy recipe

Sometimes you just long for a nice portion of Farfallette with ham and cream... It's sooo easy to cook and so quick! But today I realized I didn't have any cream in the fridge... I'm so lazy to go to the supermarket! I'm already in my pijamas... I'll leave it. No, wait a second! You can prepare single cream at home as well!

And anyway, the single cream here in UK doesn't have the right consistency. It has to be thick and just a tiny bit salty to be used with pasta, in the Italian way.

Fortunately, single cream can be made at home just in 5 minutes! All you need is a hand blender, milk and vegetable oil. It can be prepared just when you need it, in this way it won't spoil and you'll have a nice natural product to use, without preservatives!

Just try it, you'll never buy it again at the supermarket!

For the recipe I use soya milk, it' healthy and easy to digest, and it has a great taste!

single cream homemade with hand blender

Ingredients for 300ml:
100ml soya milk
200ml vegetable oil
a pinch of salt

How to make it:
The hand blender usually comes with a container, we are going to use this. Alternatively, we can use a jar.
Put the ingredients inside in the following order: first the milk, then the vegetable oil and finally a pinch of salt.

Start to mix with the blender for 2 minutes, and then check the consistency with a spoon. Continue to blend a little bit more if needed and add another pinch of salt.

Finally we just need to put the cream in the fridge for 10 minutes, in order to reach the perfect consistency.
In the meanwhile we can prepare the pasta, or whatever recipe we are into!

And that's it, ready to use! Easy!


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